Archive for the ‘Great Human Beings’ Category

I have a Dream

Posted: August 28, 2015 in Great Human Beings

It was on the 28th of August 1963 Martin Luther King had such a dream and shared it with the world. He made his famous speech on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington DC. Have we really followed his dream as we should have? What do you think?


Anne Frank

Posted: June 14, 2015 in Great Human Beings

Anne Frank.

Anne Frank

Posted: June 14, 2015 in Great Human Beings

anne-frank[1]  Anne Frank, was given her diary as a Birthday gift on the 12th June 1942.

Two days later, on the 14th June 1942 she started writing. There is hardly a person who has not read it, or at least has heard about it. Anne Frank’s Family was betrayed and they were taken to the Concentration camp ‘Bergen Belsen’ Anne died there of Typhoid on the 12th of March 1945. Just over a month later the Concentration camp was liberated by the British

Manfred Rommel

Posted: March 23, 2015 in Great Human Beings

in 1979, Manfred Rommel was introduced to the 2nd Viscount Montgomery of Alamein, son of the commander of the Eighth Army (who had died three years previously). The pair found that they had much in common. Not only were they both only children of celebrated military leaders, but they were also almost exact contemporaries.

By then Manfred Rommel was four years into a 21-year term as a highly respected mayor of Stuttgart. The two men struck up an immediate friendship and over the course of the next 30 years maintained a correspondence.M+M